East ZonePartners





West Bengal 

CINI is in five decades of dedicated service to women, children, and adolescents in eastern parts of India. CINI’s vision is of creating a friendly and responsive community where children and adolescents achieve their full potential.


Lake Gardens Women & Children Development Centre (LGWCDC)



West Bengal 

LGWCDC is working with an integrated holistic developmental approach wherein joyful learning, remedial education, opportunities for mainstreaming, health care, vocational skills training for income generation are provided to the girl children residing in the targeted slums


Nature, Environment, Wildlife Society (NEWS)

 contact@naturewildlife .org

 https://naturewildl ife.org/

West Bengal

NEWS has been working in the Sundarban region for over 25 years. The organization contributes to climate and coastal protection through the long-term rehabilitation and protection of tropical man-grove ecosystems. In addition, NEWS is committed for the conservation of ecology and environ-ment, wildlife, natural resources and sustainable livelihoods for an improved environment


Social Action for Appropriate Transformation & Advancement in Rural Areas-SATRA

 satrasipajhar02@gmail. com



SATRA is a grassroot level NGO based in Sipajhar of Darrang District in Assam, India & has been working to organize and empower rural poor to promote development as a liberating force for achieving social justice, economic growth, self-reliance & creating a peaceful society. SATRA was formed in the year 2002 by a group of social activists of Assam with the motto PEOPLE FOR DEVELOPMENT, DEVELOPMENT FOR PEOPLE


InSIDeNorth East (InSIDE NE)


 https://insidenorth east.org/


InSIDe NE is youth-focused, youth-led, youthengaged with gender as a cross-cutting theme and works in the field of education, personal development and skill building for income generation. The organization works with Life Skill Education, sports, music and peace education


CWG (Centre for Women and Girls)

 infocwg11@gmail.com, hechin@cwgmanipur.c om



CWG actively advocates for justice and support for women and girls. For the past 10 years, CWG has served as a point of contact for survivors of domestic violence, providing legal assistance, operating aid facilities, and offering emergency assistance to women and children facing any form of violence



 maneda@rediffmail.co m



MANEDA works exclusively with children and young women. The organization focuses on education and training opportunities, as well as support services through Child Line. The organization follows an inclusive approach and works with people with and without disabilities


Abhivyakti Foundation

 avfoundation@gmail.co m

 http://www.avfin dia.org


Abhivyakti Foundation is presently working with 4000 households in 8 districts of Jharkhand with the disadvantaged communities including the mica dependent communities. The organization has specific focus on the child population and intervention programmes include nurturing child agencies in form of Bal Manch


LEADS (Life Education and Developme nt Support)

 leadsindiajh@gmail.co m

 https://leads indiajh.org


LEADS has diversified human resources experts in the field of Child Rights, Anganwadi, RTE Act 2009, Child labour, Convergence and linkages with entitlements, livelihood, school education, participatory planning, RTI-2005, women empowerment, promoting CBOs, Entitlement realisation, Organic farming, plantation, clean energy, MGNREGA, skill building on various trades, Research and advocacy at state national and international level etc


Lok Kalyan Seva Kendra




The organization focuses on working for children and women from Schedule Tribes, Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), and Dalits. The main crux of the work revolves around the eradication of social issues that predominate in the region, such as the dowry system, child marriage, child labour, women victims of domestic violence, adolescent girls, women, and children trafficking, and livelihood opportunities for single women headed households


Savera Foundation

 saverafoundation.tisri@ gmail.com



Savera Foundation is dedicated to work with the poorest of the poor and most marginalized sections including women, children and men (Dalits and Tribals) towards providing them a dignified life. Since the inception the main focus areas have been education, health & sanitation, community organization, livelihood enhancement, agriculture development, gender equality and Dalit rights



 samarpanjharkhand@g mail.com

 http://www.samarpanj harkhand.org


Samarpan started as a campaign launched with the aim to bring the children involved in the illegal mica mines of Koderma into the mainstream of education by freeing them. Samarpan has continued to drive initiatives towards capacity building, fostering partnerships, ensuring entitlements, water conservation, livelihood, and making a lasting impact on the health and rights of marginalized people


Development Agency for Poor and Tribal Awakening (DAPTA)


 https://www.dapta. org


DAPTA has a vision that "marginalized poor in India can live without poverty and have access to equal opportunities." The organization's mission statement is "to work with marginalized poor to alleviate poverty by overcoming injustice and inequality that cause it, and to live a meaningful life with sustainably protected environment and biodiversity.


Living Farms

 livingfarmsoffice@gmail .com

 https://www.livingfarms .co.in


The organization is a grassroot development organization that creates a shared space where Adivasi and Dalit farmers, youths, and small and marginalized farmers from other communities, along with fellow designers build and strengthen solidarity among themselves






Disha came into existence by a group of development professionals in the year 1995 with the initial focus on child development. It was soon realized that the issues surrounding it could not be addressed without considering the wider problems of food insecurity, lack of social cohesion, gender injustice, poor local self-governance and the absence of tribal from the socio-political mainstream.
