North ZonePartners




SUVIDHA abbreviated as Society for the Upliftment of Villagers & Development of Himalayan Areas is a non-profit, rural development and voluntary organization founded in the year 2004 which aims at eliminating poverty




The focus of the organization is "Rural development and management of natural resources combined with participatory village development." Aman has been working with other grassroot-level organizations for 15 years and has developed a focus on environmental children's rights.


Himalayan Environment al Studies and Conservation (HESCO)


HESCO has over 30 years of experience developing and applying simple technologies for the sustainable development of Himalayan rural areas. Through innovative and ecologically sound solutions and effective results in their areas of intervention, HESCO has gained national and international recognition and reputation.




HIMAD is an organization that advocates for children's rights. It strongly believes that social change in communities can be achieved through intensive community participation and grassroots mobilization.


DKD (Daliyon Ka Dagriya)


DKD believes in a holistic and sustainable approach to the development for the mountain people based on their cultural values, traditions and resources.


Dhriiti the courage within

New Delhi

The organization’s vision is “to build a resilient world capable of coping, adapting and bouncing back from financial, social & ecological vulnerabilities using the tools of enterprise and entrepreneurship.


HAQ – centre for Child Rights


HAQ aims at recognition, protection and promotion of all rights for all children, by emphasizing the need to look at the child in an integrated manner and fill the conceptual and practical gaps, making crosscutting linkages between all categories of children, especially including children who are disadvantaged on account of their gender, caste, class, ethnicity, ability and location, and issues affecting them.


Dr. A.V Baliga Memorial Trust


Baliga Trust is operating its diversified activities in slums and resettlement colonies of National Capital Territory of Delhi and performing various developmental activities comprising education, women’s empowerment livelihood promotion, child rights and protection, health and sanitation for over five decades.


Ankur Society for Alternatives in Education (ANKUR)

 Under Process


Since 1983, Ankur has been working in the field of experimental pedagogy, with children, young people, women and communities in underserved working-class settlements of Delhi.


Nirantar Trust


Nirantar is a resource center for gender and education. Since its inception in 1993, Nirantar has focused on the use of education processes as a route towards enabling women and young people to empower themselves in their everyday lives.


Participatory Action for Community Empowerme nt (PACE)

Uttar Pradesh

The organization is committed for people centered development with the mission of empowering Dalits, women and children. It believes in participatory approaches and methodologies for empowering the community-based organization like SHGs, children’s groups and youth groups.


Safe Society

Uttar Pradesh

Safe Society is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2005 with a mission to support disadvantaged and marginalized section of society especially facilitating the rights of children, protection, and women empowerment.


Manav Sansadhan Evam Mahila Vikas Sansthan (MSEMVS)

Uttar Pradesh

MSEMVS is working for promoting rights of children and women. It has been working on the issues of child welfare, education, health and livelihood focusing children, women and marginalized population. MSEMVS works towards increasing the participation of most deprived sections of society in mainstream development processes.


Vigyan Foundation

Uttar Pradesh

Vigyan Foundation is a non-government organization working with a right based approach. It strongly believes and promotes networks and alliances for advocacy of the rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.


Society for Welfare & Advancement of Rural Generations (SWARG)

Uttar Pradesh

SWARG works for social, political and economic empowerment of poor people, protection of human rights, gender issues, right to food, grassroots justice delivery system and environment conservation in rural and urban areas.


Koshish Charitable Trust


Koshish works for social, political and economic empowerment of poor people, protection of human rights, gender issues, Right to Food, grassroots justice delivery system and environment conservation in rural and urban areas.




Bihar Voluntary Health Association (BVHA) is a non-profit making organization established in 1969. It is an association of 167 Civil Society Organizations, charitable hospitals and health centres and more than 300 associated non-member organizations covering Bihar and Jharkhand States.


Bhoomika Vihar


Bhoomika Vihar has been working on the land rights, minimum wages, women’s rights, child rights, and illiteracy, feudal and other social issues since its inception. The organization had also made effort in drawing the attention of the people to the issues pertaining to women rights several years.


Disha Vihar,



Disha Vihar has closely worked with the people in diara land who were displaced by the Ganga flood and the fishing community in Munger district. The organization has taken up women rights issues and local governance issues in its operational area.


Mahila Jan Adhikar Samiti (MJAS)


Mahila Jan Adhikar Samiti (MJAS) is a grassroots feminist organization based in central Rajasthan dedicated to inclusivity and equality. It works with various marginalized groups of the society for dignity, safety and security, recognizing self-worth and empowerment of women and children.


Jatan Sansthan


Jatan envisages a society where young people lead a healthy, safe and empowered life, free of all forms of discrimination. Jatan strives to empower the youth of Rajasthan by giving them a platform where they can freely express their concerns.


Centre for Labour Research and Action (CLRA)


Centre for Labour Research and Action (CLRA) is a non-profit organization which promotes workers' rights in India's informal economy and focuses mainly on families of migrant workers. CLRA's advocacy work includes combating child labour at the national level, setting up Government task forces and drafting an intergovernmental protocol to eliminate child trafficking.
