Uttar Pradesh Partners


Participatory Action for Community Empowerme nt (PACE)


Uttar Pradesh

The organization is committed for people centered development with the mission of empowering Dalits, women and children. It believes in participatory approaches and methodologies for empowering the community-based organization like SHGs, children’s groups and youth groups.


Safe Society



Uttar Pradesh

Safe Society is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2005 with a mission to support disadvantaged and marginalized section of society especially facilitating the rights of children, protection, and women empowerment.


Manav Sansadhan Evam Mahila Vikas Sansthan (MSEMVS)



Uttar Pradesh

MSEMVS is working for promoting rights of children and women. It has been working on the issues of child welfare, education, health and livelihood focusing children, women and marginalized population. MSEMVS works towards increasing the participation of most deprived sections of society in mainstream development processes.


Vigyan Foundation



Uttar Pradesh

Vigyan Foundation is a non-government organization working with a right based approach. It strongly believes and promotes networks and alliances for advocacy of the rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.


Society for Welfare & Advancement of Rural Generations (SWARG)


Uttar Pradesh

SWARG works for social, political and economic empowerment of poor people, protection of human rights, gender issues, right to food, grassroots justice delivery system and environment conservation in rural and urban areas.
