SUVIDHA abbreviated as Society for the Upliftment of Villagers & Development of Himalayan Areas is a non-profit, rural development and voluntary organization founded in the year 2004 which aims at eliminating poverty
The focus of the organization is "Rural development and management of natural resources combined with participatory village development." Aman has been working with other grassroot-level organizations for 15 years and has developed a focus on environmental children's rights.
HESCO has over 30 years of experience developing and applying simple technologies for the sustainable development of Himalayan rural areas. Through innovative and ecologically sound solutions and effective results in their areas of intervention, HESCO has gained national and international recognition and reputation.
HIMAD is an organization that advocates for children's rights. It strongly believes that social change in communities can be achieved through intensive community participation and grassroots mobilization.
DKD believes in a holistic and sustainable approach to the development for the mountain people based on their cultural values, traditions and resources.