West BengalPartners





West Bengal 

CINI is in five decades of dedicated service to women, children, and adolescents in eastern parts of India. CINI’s vision is of creating a friendly and responsive community where children and adolescents achieve their full potential.


Lake Gardens Women & Children Developme nt Centre (LGWCDC)



West Bengal 

LGWCDC is working with an integrated holistic developmental approach wherein joyful learning, remedial education, opportunities for mainstreaming, health care, vocational skills training for income generation are provided to the girl children residing in the targeted slums


Nature, Environment, Wildlife Society (NEWS)


 https://naturewildl ife.org

West Bengal

NEWS has been working in the Sundarban region for over 25 years. The organization contributes to climate and coastal protection through the long-term rehabilitation and protection of tropical man-grove ecosystems. In addition, NEWS is committed for the conservation of ecology and environ-ment, wildlife, natural resources and sustainable livelihoods for an improved environment
